Quarantine – a matter of life and death

This is not a game. Nor is it a situation to be taken folklorically or as part of the Panamanian anecdote. It is a real threat to everyone’s health. It has been said in thousands of ways that people should avoid crowds and unnecessary exits. A curfew, a peak and schedule measure and even a generalized quarantine have been established, but it has not been sufficient. Today the exit restriction begins according to the sex of each person. Excuses are over. Every Panamanian who fails to comply with sanitary regulations is becoming a threat. The State and local governments have already begun to distribute solidarity bonds and food bags. The vast majority of banks have already adopted a moratorium and a law was passed that suspends payments for public services for three months. That is to say, there is no reason to uselessly leave our homes. The first thing is always life, both your own and that of fellow citizens. We will not overcome this pandemic with the old habits of always or with the live game. The virus cannot be fooled. Our lives are in danger, it is not a game. – LA PRENSA, Apl. 1