OPINION: When lawyers shout from the rooftops

In October 2019, the Second Superior Court of the First Judicial District confirmed the definitive dismissal that had been granted to those linked to the FCC case related to the City of Health. For its part, Spanish justice continues to unravel the complex plot of the payment of bribes for state works that required surcharges, even projecting bribes on works from other countries that had nothing to do with the prevailing cannibalism in Panama.
With the greatest of cynicisms, it seeks to manipulate public opinion, trying to turn this, and the other corruption scandals, into a battle of sides that, with a boxing spirit, dispute justice. Nothing is further from reality. While prosecutors investigate and strengthen the cases, the defendants invest millions of money in specialized groups of lawyers who are dedicated to finding formal flaws in these investigations.
It is rare to find that jurist who shouts from the rooftops “my client is innocent.” Panamanians know which side the truth is on. Now we understand why they want to silence the voices that dare to question them: they seek impunity at all costs. LA PRENSA, Aug 20
SEE ALSO;- Martinelli named in multi-million dollar bribery probe