A communications disaster


The government’s ability to improvise a nationwide communication disaster and unrest is simply disconcerting. The new measures announced yesterday by the Minister of Health have left – as usual – a deep sea of ​​doubts, not only due to the lack of clarity in their proposals, but because some of them collide head-on with provisions that will come into force at the beginning of the year, when, precisely, those announced yesterday will begin. 

The Panamanian people are not a flock of sheep that can be managed as such; neither are we subjects of a monarchy, although we are increasingly treated that way. This is a democracy – get it right – in which public servants owe us transparency and accountability. 

So much ineptitude and incompetence in managing this crisis is unacceptable. There are no plans, there are no projections, there are no thinking people, everything is the product of a scandalous improvisation that reveals an extraordinary clumsiness. This pandemic has had to be handled with technical criteria, but in the Government the greed of a gang that only wants and works to loot the State to line its pockets is perceived. When, President, will you start asking for resignations? LA PRENSA, Dec. 28.