Incompetence fueling crisis

If we asked the Minister of Health what is the plan to face the increase in infections or if we asked the Executive what is the plan to lift the economy, surely we would not receive any answer. Government actions to mitigate the economic, social, and health effects of the pandemic are not planned, they are trials and, in many cases, lacking in support, since those who decide them are far from being qualified professionals to foresee the consequences of their actions. It is clear that when restrictions are announced, the extremes are notorious. For example, when mobility is limited, the economy collapses, and if it is open, the healthcare system collapses. To this is added that everyone walks by their side since coordination between government entities is non-existent. There is also no plan to deal with the disobedience of a growing number of people to the restrictions. If they continue like this, this crisis will eventually get out of hand. The leadership of the Government is quickly lost due to the incompetence of politicians who, despite their obvious lack of competence in these matters, are unable to resign so that experts take over. They neither do nor let do. That is our harrowing reality. – LA PRENSA, Dec.29.