OPINION -Elected birds of prey

PUBLIC SERVICE is supposed to be an honor for any citizen. But our officials are like birds of prey, who when they see a dollar do not think about how to put it at the service of the people, but about how to take it for their own benefit. Representatives of the township and mayors give proof of this. They receive a salary for exercising these positions, at the same time that they request paid leave and are approved. In other words, they receive payment for holding the position for which they were elected and also for the job they left in the Government and thus receive a double salary. Can you be more cheeky? Millions of dollars thrown away for a job that their replacements do, but that you have to pay them just because they were favored with the popular vote. It is a slap in the face to the taxpayers; it is an affront to those who do not have a job; it is indifference to what we are experiencing. There is no doubt that politics is capable of bringing to the surface the worst of the human being: his deep miseries and his insatiable greed. These public servants are the best example of how money – and not their constituents, much less the rest of the country – is what matters to politicians.- Public service is supposed to be an honor for any citizen. But our officials are like birds of prey, who when they see a dollar do not think about how to put it at the service of the people, but about how to take it for their own benefit. Representatives of the township and mayors give proof of this. They receive a salary for exercising these positions, at the same time that they request paid leave and are approved. In other words, they receive payment for holding the position for which they were elected and also for the job they left in the Government and thus receive a double salary. Can you be more cheeky? Millions of dollars thrown away for a job that their replacements do, but that you have to pay them just because they were favored with the popular vote. It is a slap in the face to the taxpayers; it is an affront to those who do not have a job; it is indifference to what we are experiencing. There is no doubt that politics is capable of bringing to the surface the worst of the human being: his deep miseries and his insatiable greed. These public servants are the best example of how money – and not their constituents, much less the rest of the country – is what matters to politicians. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 22