Line-jumping lawmakers

Once again, the National Assembly shows its open confrontation with the interests of the majorities. If the rest of the country has to wait patiently for their turn to get vaccinated, that is definitely not the deputies’ problem, because they don’t even blush when they walk past their constituents to get immunized. And, in truth, this is nothing more than the corollary of what, three months ago, the president of the Assembly threw in the face of the citizens, when he justified that three of his relatives were inoculated, because – according to him – they complied with the “strict protocol” established, although the three favored did not seem to meet the conditions imposed by the Minsa. Quite a mockery. If even the President of the Republic and a good part of the Cabinet patiently waited for their turn or reserved space to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, why not the deputies? The Constitution states that the authorities are, among other things, instituted to protect the lives of all nationals and foreigners in our territory. Does that also imply the existence of an exceptional range of parliamentary protection? – LA PRENSA, May 22

See also: Lawmakers form VIP line