OPINION: Gambling with the  future of the nation

The lack of transparency and accountability is an issue that the Panamanian population repeatedly complains about. And it is that, from the head of the Government to the last official of the state payroll, they seem not to understand that the citizens are not asking, begging or imploring them to say what they do with the management of public affairs. This is Their responsibility. An obligation that they acquired the day they came to the Government and whose laws they swore to respect. And there are plenty of examples. From the emergency purchases due to the pandemic, whose burlesque reports only satisfy the ego of the official who mocks those who ask to exercise their right to information, to the handling that has been given to the case of child abuse and more recently what happened. in the National Charity Lottery. Citizens deserve explanations that are coherent and supported by rigorous documentation so that they can be subjected to public scrutiny. You are good at the abuse of power and gambling with the future of this nation. To say “I am not going to give explanations” about the dismissal of the director of the Police, President Laurentino Cortizo, is an affront to the position you hold, to the country and to those who elected you. LA PRENSA, May 26.