OPINION :”Advisors” making decisions

The figure of the “minister counselor” does not exist in our governmental system. It is a charge invented in various administrations. The position of adviser does exist, so it was never necessary to distinguish any person as a “minister counselor”. However, the current President of the Republic has given his counseling ministers functions reserved for officials that already exist and who are the ones who have to face the Assembly, for example, when they attend for any reason. For this reason, and with good sense, the Supreme Court of Justice has processed a lawsuit of unconstitutionality against such appointments, as it is not part of our laws. If the president desires the advice of experts, he can obtain it from suitable persons who are assigned emoluments to fulfill that function. But what their current “advisory ministers” do goes far beyond advising. They make decisions and even carry out functions for which they are not authorized by law. Their work in the Executive is equivalent, in the Judicial Branch, to making formal legal decisions without any legitimacy, since they lack the official position to do so. It is time to put a stop to these inventions. LA PRENSA, Jun. 20