Taxpayer funded double dipping

A driver, who at the same time is mayor; who receives his two salaries, even if he is on leave from one of his jobs, or administrative assistants who share directives with Deputy Yanibel Ábrego and who attend to the business of the official and her relatives, are just some of the findings in the personnel payroll permanent office of this deputy. Ábrego, with 28 public servants at her service – whose salaries add up to a whopping $51,000 a month – has apparently seen us look stupid, since part of his staff, in addition to what has already been described, works on her political and electoral campaigns, instead of going about the business for which they are paid thousands of dollars a month. There are even people who maintain that they have received money and food in exchange for joining the ranks of the Ábrego political group. Is it the only one that has your staff involved in your companies and campaign? It is very possible that it is not the only one. This is how our taxes are spent: it is the petty cash of the game – LA PRENSA, Sep. 21.