Time to abolish taxpayer-funded discretionary handouts

The discretionary item for the exclusive use of the President of the Republic is an expense that must be eliminated or, at least, regulated, because as it is it can be used for anything without having to give explanations, as is visible in the last report of expenses. In 26 months of management (until last September), the incumbent ruler had spent $15.3 million, the specific use of which, in many cases, only appears as an ambiguous expense. To make matters worse, President Laurentino Cortizo has not given an answer to the final destination of these expenses, despite the fact that this media has been insisting for two weeks. The so-called discretionary game is the purest expression of the worst concept of presidentialism. Its use has been harshly questioned, as it has been used to buy politicians; for open political patronage; to pay or do favors and there has even been evidence that it has been used for sumptuary expenses or, with the excuse of helping third parties, its funds have been illegally taken from the State; or for the personal expenses of the Presidents. Therefore, it is necessary to abolish this item or put limits on its use and be really transparent in informing how it is spent. – LA  PRENSA, Nov. 4.