Crooked and twisted justice

Once again,  Panamanian justice disappoints. The new ruling in the wiretapping case, in which the existence of serious violations of the privacy of at least 150 people, including journalists, businessmen, politicians, and many more, was proven, is a complete disgrace. It affronts not only the victims but the justice system and the entire country. It is proven that we have crooked and twisted justice for a while. And that there was evidence of the violations; that compensation was paid to victims and that there are others convicted of the same crime as accomplices. How things are going, our future generations will have nothing left of justice but ashes, because a band of judicial mercenaries has simply burned the Constitution. We are and will continue to be the most pathetic country in terms of justice. But to tell the truth, this failure was not a surprise. The biggest beneficiary of this decision let it be known last week on his social networks, in the trial itself, and in the show he put on outside the court. We may be consoled by the fact that a judicial process is being carried out in another country –for the Odebrecht case– in which at least two people will face a real judicial system and not this disgraceful caricature of judges that we have – LA PRENSA, Nov. 10.