OPINION: Thieving from the have-nots

The network of officials of the National Charity Lottery (LNB) that fraudulently changed the chances and winning tickets reveals not only the assault on the State, but the complete lack of controls to prevent this type of fraud, as well as a personnel structure that leaves much to be desired about the administrative management of a state entity that handles millions of dollars in cash. And the funny thing is that, despite everything the LNB director said, the complaints of the successful collection of prizes were a reality. Now it will be necessary to determine how long it was done and how much money was stolen from the institution’s coffers. But if the authorities decide to dig deeper, they will find much more than a few lower-ranking officials in these endeavors. It is a shame that the authorities of the Molirena party are involved in this negotiation and it shows – once again – how little the politicians care about the needs of the population, because, as its name indicates, this entity dedicates its profits to charities, long diminished by the greed of unscrupulous officials who used the proceeds of their robbery for parties and revelries.  

After completing the investigation and going to trial, we hope that the penalties and convictions will be exemplary. long depleted by the greed of unscrupulous officials who used the proceeds of their robbery for parties and revelries. After completing the investigation and going to trial, we hope that the penalties and convictions will be exemplary. long depleted by the greed of unscrupulous officials who used the proceeds of their robbery for parties and revelries. After completing the investigation and going to trial, we hope that the penalties and convictions will be exemplary. – LA PRENSA, Nov 21.