Child sex trafficking in a failing society


A little-known news, but of great social relevance, is the dismantling of a network of traffickers of minors, sexually exploited in the border area with Costa Rica. What is aberrant in this case is that it was allegedly close relatives of the victims – including mothers and aunts of some of them – who would have lent themselves to such heinous activity. At least 12 minors have been rescued, including victims as young as 4 years old. If, after a trial, these people are found guilty of the crime of trafficking in minors, the full weight of the law must fall on them, since there is nothing that justifies these criminal acts. Facts like these should make us reflect on what we are as a society. It takes perfect inhuman to perpetrate these disgusting crimes, especially with the family, because the defendants are responsible for the welfare and protection of these minors. Where are the values? What kind of person carries out such monstrous acts? The Panamanian family – the nucleus of our society – is going through its worst moment and it is time that, as a State, we start to do something or we will also be a failed society. – LA PRENSA, hoyporhoy, Feb. 8.