Mayor’s tantrums underscore  recall movement


If the mayor of the capital city had enough neurons for elementary reasoning, he would realize that his marches, protests, tantrums and his inexhaustible pride only feed the desire of the citizens not to see him in office anymore. His most recent public appearances have been to challenge the electorate –the one who put him in the Mayor’s Office and who can give him a farewell kick–, instead of showing more humility and elaborating a plan to win back the will of the population.

His attitude seems to be that of a child craving a toy that he will not receive or that of a teenager who was punished by taking away his cell phone. Neither tantrums can change someone’s mind. On the contrary, it makes the decisions stand, because it becomes a challenge to the authority, which in this case is not him, but the people who elected him.

That is the authority, the sovereign, but his fatuity makes him blind and deaf. So we just have to thank him: thanks for maintaining his pedantry, the one that has put him where he is now. His pathetic attitude is the fuel that feeds the fire that will consume him. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 27.