OPINION: An unforgivable error of judgment


The Municipal Council of Panama has appealed the decision of a court that ordered the suspension of the tender for the new seafood market, a project carried out by Mayor José Luis Fábrega. He clarifies that it was not the Council that convened what its members continue to call a “citizen consultation”, but rather the Calidonia Communal Board and the Mayor’s Office. And it highlights that the Decentralization Authority gave its endorsement to the so-called public consultation.

The truth is that they would have remained much better silent. Calling this pathetic attempt to deceive the citizens of the capital district a citizen consultation is an unforgivable error of judgment, which casts doubt on the common sense of these officials. Only 25 people attended that act, including employees and former employees of the Municipality, who do not represent the capital district at all.

But also, the disclosure of that act was misleading, since the Mayor’s Office quoted without revealing the reason. All arranged to avoid the appearance of citizens who, most likely, would ruin the extravagant plans of the mayor. Otherwise, why not disclose the reason for the query? How can you be so foolish to keep calling this a “citizen consultation”? – LA PRENSA, May 27.