Panama on fire while politicians fiddle


An exhausted political system, without principles or consciences, added to an economic crisis that has hundreds of thousands of families against the wall, has favored the protests that are taking place in the streets throughout the country. The corruption and theft in the government, the high cost of living, the waste of the national budget; the impudence of politicians, who, being an important part of the problem, try to make it appear that they are on the side of a people that –however– hates them, because while they eat from the state banquet and get drunk –not only with power– their voters continue to suffer the serious deterioration of the economy due to the pandemic. This social crisis is the most serious faced by this government, which has failed to fulfill its promises and lead the country. It is not a simple fire, it is a fire that takes more and more body, while the country is adrift. It is not only the fault of this government but also of the previous ones, which drained the institutions until they left them on their knees. That is why there are some politicians who seek to take advantage of a legitimate movement for their selfish interests. Leeches that want every last drop of blood from their already anemic victims. Society seems to have reached the limit of its tolerance. For his sake and that of the country, hopefully, the politicians are able to see it. LA PRENSA, July 11.