OPINION: When good intentions are not enough


As the private sector had predicted, the inclusion of dozens of products on the list under the controlled price regime generated the opposite effect to that desired. The basic food basket has increased in price and is now more expensive than in July and August, when agreements were reached with the organized groups that carried out the street closures throughout the country.

And the increases in products have been especially high in rural areas, where the income of its inhabitants is lower than in the rest of the country. Good intentions are not enough to control the market. This has its rules and it is better to understand them than to uselessly force them. And that is what has happened. The Government must find more creative ways to generate more competition and apply the rules of the downward market. But little is achieved because its officials seem to be unaware of the behavior of the market. Now, what will the Government do to contain the increases? More checks? Learn from your mistakes and use your imagination more.  – LA PRENSA, Oct. 23.