Farewell to a symbol of impunity and injustice



Today, on the last day of the current year, we wonder what 2023 has in store for us, in addition to the well-worn, misleading, and unimaginative political-electoral litanies, in which we are promised heaven and end up –as always– in a hell that appropriates our life and future. With this panorama on the horizon, it is possible that this year that is ending will not be the worst of the current five-year period, although we can indeed celebrate the departure of a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, whose fidelity was never to the office to which he had been named. This is José Ayú Prado, who leaves through the narrow back door of the Judicial Branch since his decisions, sentences, positions, and presentations have been a shame for those who make heavy and daily efforts to build a country of which we are proud. This magistrate – astute, elusive and opportunistic in his management– showed us the darker side of justice. There is little left for us to see after what he has shown us: tributes to impunity and injustice. I hope that this trail of legislatures in favor of whoever put him in the high positions that he held will now take him to the place he should never have left: his house. LA PRENSA, Dec. 31.