Justice Perverted as Alleged Murderers Roam Free

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah.


A group of 18 officials of the Judicial Branch and citizens who acted as jurors of conscience has been sentenced in the first instance for receiving bribes in exchange for judicial decisions favorable to defendants, including alleged murderers. The instigators of these illegal practices were drivers assigned to a higher court that, among their tasks, included transferring the jurors of conscience, which facilitated the opportunity to commit crimes. Imagine everything that can be discussed in the middle of a traffic jam. These drivers ran their own court bargain kiosk, never mind releasing murder suspects. Despite the confessions of the convicted jurors, it is still unknown whether the sentences resulting from the payment of bribes will be reviewed, something that should have been done from the moment they confessed to their crime. The Judicial Branch should have acted, but this has not been the case, which establishes a disastrous precedent for future cases like this one. This is precisely the problem: the example. In order to set up their own “business” of sentences and precautionary measures, surely those drivers have had to see and hear enough to have thought that if judges and magistrates do that, why not them? – LA PRENSA, May 21.