OPINION: Parlacen- a facilitator of impunity


Why is Panama still a member of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen)? What have we gained after 29 years in that inoperative body, which produces more scandals than benefits? In the past, Panama tried, but the attack was dismissed because the Supreme Court of Justice considered that the corresponding channels were not used. We must try once more but through the channels dictated by international law. What is intolerable is that we spend over $2 million a year to be part of this forum used by scoundrels to continue acting with impunity. Leaving the Parlacen is guaranteeing us some justice, because although we are not even sure of obtaining it, at least the defendants will have to face it. We could rightly say now that this organism is not just a “lair of bottles”, but also washers. If the Central American parliamentarians had any shame, they would not have lent themselves to this latest whim. There is no doubt that they act without morals and that is why Parlacen is seen not as an integration organization, but as a facilitator of impunity. Decent Panama does not want to continue being part of that cave.  — LA PRENSA, Aug 18.