Scoundrels seeking to remain in power with impunity


The rain of draft laws continues – at the initiative of the deputies – that aims, at this point, to change the rules of the next electoral tournament. Yesterday two new ones were presented: one that reforms the criminal electoral jurisdiction regime and another that has already failed in the past, but that returns to the Assembly to unsettle or to divert attention from other equally gruesome issues on the national agenda: the second round electoral. They could discuss everything within the framework of the electoral reforms discussed and approved in 2021, but it is now – at inopportune times and circumstances and with the campaign already underway – that they want to reform the Electoral Code. It’s almost time for these shameless people to declare that the validity of each seat is not five years, but 20 and that immunity protects them from justice from the moment the idea of ​​being politicians occurs to them until their last breath.  None of these initiatives have legitimacy; They are tailoring reforms: tailored to a handful of scoundrels who only want to remain in power to continue abusing the coffers and other benefits of the State with impunity.— LA PRENSA, Sep.22.