OPINION: Martinelli in the steps of Maduro and Ortega 


Presidential candidate Ricardo Martinelli wants the Electoral Court to silence two digital media outlets and a journalist. He alleges that they publish dirty campaigns and, as a result, wants them to be prohibited from using his name and image to illustrate publications. Such a complaint is the first indication of the authoritarianism of this subject, who, if he becomes President of the Republic, will represent a serious danger to democracy and institutions. If from now on he intends to silence the media and journalists, what can we expect from his government? And we have no doubt that he will also do the same with any citizen who criticizes him, since he makes it clear that there will only be room for praise. His denunciations are a clear warning: if he comes to power, he is willing to intimidate anyone who criticizes him and we should not be surprised if in a flash he decides to cancel the 2029 elections. He starts by silencing his critics and thus he will end up like Maduro in Venezuela or like the married couple in Nicaragua. The warning is on the table and the citizen who wants to be deceived by the evidence in front of him must keep in mind that he will not be able to regret it later. That will also be censored. LA PRENSA, Oct. 8.