Politicians drunk with ‘what’s in it for me?’ power


The Budget Commission of the National Assembly became the highest authority in the management of the general budget of the State, thanks to the budget law itself, which gave it the power to reject or approve all – absolutely all – transfers of items. of all Government institutions, contrary to its previous powers, when it could only see transfers above $200 thousand. Thus, all authorities will have to pay homage to the president of the PRD, who already accumulated enough power to give anyone he wanted a hard time. Well now he will have the last word – at election time – on the fate of transfers of small, medium or large items. This power is only used for blackmail – the “What’s in it for me?” – and clientelism. The absurd thing is that the Executive is oblivious to everything. The president acts like a puppet and is unable to face the Assembly. Now this ‘super-deputy’ – an unpresentable individual, drunk with power and greed, and whose province is one of the most backward in the country – will also have the Executive in his hands. It seems that the president of the PRD, after all, does know a lot about coups d’état. – LA PRENSA, Jan.2.