OPINION: Stealing like there’s no tomorrow


The risk rating agency Fitch has highlighted projections that, although we expected them, hit like an anvil, revealing imaginative accounting and financial maneuvers by the Government to meet the fiscal deficit goals, but that, ultimately, is not a relief for the pressures. that the country suffers from the waste of public funds, from the drought that will result in less income for the Panama Canal and the weak structure of public finances, aggravated by the closure of the Donoso mine. These observations are a kind of warning of what is coming our way: an economy that will grow only 1.5%. All this screams to us that 2024 will be the most difficult year in our recent history. And although there are variables that are outside the Government’s control, the truth is that this Administration has been unforgivably negligent in the use and management of public funds. They have stolen as if there were no tomorrow and the worst thing is that they do it because they live in a reign of impunity. At this moment there is a climate almost of joy for the elections, but when the party is over, we will collide head-on with the wall of our pathetic reality. – LA PRENSA.