Holy Week parades and celebrations

Holy Week is a time for prayer, reflection and celebration in Panama, and churches across the  country express their beliefs with processions, Stations of the Cross and multiple services.

Young people will play their roles in the parade

On Good Friday evening the annual procession of Iglesia de Cristo Rey, (Church of Christ the King) with floats representing the Stations Of the Cross passes from the church on Bella Vista along Avenia Justo Arosemena to Avenida Cuba down Calle 42 and back to the church, attracting hundreds of candle carrying participants and spectators.

Church processions  all over the city will walk their nearby street. including parade  worshippers  from Paitilla who will pass along Avenida Balboa and others  through the streets of Casco Viejo. They all start at 7 p.m.
One unique event which is developing into a tradition will celebrate its 12th year this weekend. In the grounds of Panama’s West Indian Museum is the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service. Sunrise it is. The service starts at 6.45 a.m. is bi lingual and involves dancing performances, musical presentations and congregational singing. If you have never witnessed the heartfelt happiness of believers, this is the place for you.
Easter Bonnets will be on paradeIt is traditionally followed by an Easter Bonnet Parade, and men’s fashion contest where participants show off their headwear and spiffy suits.
At the Sheraton Hotel at ATLAPA a celebratory mass followed by an Easter lunch for worshippers from across the city is the Easter Sunday highlight. Around the hotel’s swimming pool, children will join in  the traditional Easter egg hunt during a special lunch buffet.
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