World Heritage site named as new Alcatraz for Panama

Coiba, an island jewel  listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO,  saw its last prisoner leave six years ago, but will again become Panama’s Alcatraz if the  the penitentiary system has its way.

Diomedes Kaa, head of the jail system  made the announcement at a forum on prison affairs organized by the National Bar Association.
The “most dangerous, incorrigible and problematic "of the prison population would be isolated from other inmates in a " Maximum Security Center " located on the island said Kaa.
"Coiba National Park is a World Heritage of Humanity and the government now seeks to recover these lands," said Kaa.
Like President Martinelli’s recent statement about legalizing hundreds of thousand of Colombians living in Panama Kaa’s Kaa’s announcement came as a a surprise inside and outside the government, and staffers in the Ministry of Justice and Government hastened to minimize the scope of Kaa plans, stating is an "intention" and not a "firm project."
According to the director more than 200 inmates classified as highly dangerous inmates would be confined to the island. "We’re playing with dangerous criminals who have national and international influences," he said.
Also on Coiba is one of 11 naval stations the government plans to install to protect the coast of Panama.
. "Kaa said that the concept is a possibility, because we have studied it" said Abraham Williams, a legal adviser, to the Ministry of Government.
Javier Arias administrator of the National Environmental Authority, was another insider who knew nothing of the project.
The same day as Kaa was releasing his bombshell the Board of Coiba National Park held its monthly meeting and none of its members were aware of his plans.
Coincidentally, he didn’t keep his appointment with the board.
Environmentalist  groups were quickly  up in arms, and political commentators are wondering if shock announcements are part of the new world of change.