Another date for solving the garbage problem

From the sidelines

In a carefully worded commentt Harmodio Montaner, director of the Municipal Department of Urban and Household Cleaning (DIMAUD) for Panama said on Wednesday,(April 17) that the city could see new garbage trucks in five to six months.

This,  he said,  would address the collection problem across the capital city.

He made the pronouncement on TV, the day after City Mayor Bosco Vallarino pulled back from his no-bid order of  51 garbage trucks at a cost of $ 8.6 million.

There will now be an expedited bidding process, which will presumably give the original winners of the illegal  direct order time to revisit their prices, described by many  critics as inflated.

While acknowledging that the process is a bit "delayed" Montaner said he wanted to clear away doubts and show transparency. Keeping Mayor Bosco away from the cameras will help.

He stressed that the acquisition of vehicles will leave enough money to make sure they can operate in the best shape.

He didn’t say whether  the six months  was from yesterday,  or the date of awarding the  new contract or from when the government’s emergency clean up program ends in three months from now.
If the latter, that  would take us to January, just in time to clean up the mess if the mayor ventures on another of his Christmas Charades, and the left over wrappings from seasonal gift giving.

And in the meantime? When the government’s emergency plan runs out of money, will they open the purse string again?

Why not? It’s your money and you deserve the best.{jathumbnail off}