Martinelli announces counter offensive against crime

While murder rates has reached historic levels in Panama, President, Ricardo Martinelli, announced yesterday a counter offensive to combat crime. 
“Insecurity is an old problem, which is not resolved like building a school, making a crossing or a road, but is a counter-offensive against crime, "Martinelli told reporters after attending the inauguration of the National Council of Journalists.

The president said that the issue of security is a major on the agenda to  be addressed by the National Assembly in forth coming special sessions, for which no dates have yet been fixed.

He acknowledged that it was very difficult to face the security challenge.
It is one year since Martinelli, won the presidential election, during which time he has tightened increased sentences for crime of violence, opened air and naval bases for the “war” against drugs. He also created a new Ministry of Security, to fight crime and organized crime.
Meanwhile citizens in areas previously considered “safe” are increasingly concerned, with recent crime involving a two car shoot out on the Cinta Costera, gangs found living in high end apartments and robberies rife in Punta Pacifica, San Francisco and Bella Vista. Recently police and firmen were found to have been involved in kidnapping activities.