Not the prosecutor the government wants` –former Attorney General.

Suspended Attorney General Ana Matilde Gomez does not hold out much hope of having the case against her dismissed by Panama’s courts.

 Gomez is being investigated for having ordered a wiretapping operation when former prosecutor Arquimedes Saez was found allegedly receiving a bribe. He faces trial next week for the crime of corruption by officials. She was suspended from office in February this year and banned from leaving the country.

The application for the case to be heard reached the Supreme Court on Tuesday (June 1). It is now up to judge Wilfredo Saenz to to analyze the submission and determine whether the case be dismissed or more time be given for an extension of the summary.
Gomez’s lawyers said they will file a notice of opposition to the case prepared by the secretary general of the Office of Administration, Nelson Rojas.

La Prensa quotes Gomez as saying "If they decide to dismiss they  would have to lift the precautionary measures against me, which means that I would immediately be back in my post … I’m not the prosecutor that the government wants, so they will do everything possible to convict.  "

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