Panama mayor challenged on misuse of funds allegations

Mayor Bosco Vallarino just doesn’t seem to be able to avoid trouble. Earlier in the year his salary was garnisheed after he lost a case for libel and slanderagainst former mayor Juan Carlos Navarro.
This week, hours after jetissoning  his "under performing" management team to help keep the mayoral boat afloat he launched a fresh attack on Navarro, alleging that an audit of the city finances showed that during his term inoffice something between $83,000 and $600,000 had been misused. ontinues.
Navarro asked yesterday by letter, for a copy of the audit according to which he [Navarro] had committed irregularities in his administration.

In the letter, Navarro asked the Mayor for a copy of the audits that were conducted this year, and a copy of the 10 audits made by the Comptroller during his years in office. "We ask also that you send a copy of these documents to the media, so that the whole country will know their content," said the former mayor
He added that if Vallarino found some irregularities during his administration, to submit the complaint to the competent authorities. 

Vallarino had said there were five possible cases to bring Navarro before the Public Prosecutor .
Meanwhile the Popular Party (PP) issued a statement in which it emphasized the incompetence and inability of Vallarino. However, the letter emphasized that the resignation request made by President  Martinelli is a threat to the rule of law, and shows a concentration of power and violation of municipal autonomy.