Mayor Bosco told to act and stop making excuses

Panama’s beleaguered Mayor, Bosco Vallarino, who has been issuing calls for people to respect his dignity, got another shot across the bows of his sinking mayoralty office on Thursday from Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu.

Jimmy Papadimitriu.

He was told to "stop making excuses and take charge of collecting garbage.
As a rider Papadimitriu pointed out the difference between saying "will do" and "doing.”

The comments came before Papadimitriu announced that the Ministry had terminated on Thursday, July22 its support for waste collection in the capital city which ran for 90 days.
The minister said the Trash Committee created by the Executive was identical to that in virtually all Latin American capitals.

However, Papadimitriu emphasized that "if the mayor wantedto take responsibility of collecting garbage, to do so and to stop making excuses."

The statement of the Ministry of Communication of the State detailed the failures that led to the Executive Body to lend its support in the collection of garbage.

He said that, before the government provided support, the district capital city "had no immediate plan to resolve the crisis caused by the buildup for months, of waste in the capital city," He also explained that the Mayor of Panama left unrepaired the 38 broken down trucks abandoned in a parking lot, and only had eight garbage collection trucks running,

By contrast, the central government formed a Waste commission to develop a short-term plan that would put the problem in order and also collected 90 000 tonnes of garbage a day from April14 to July.15.

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