Panamas coat of arms gets hammered

Panama’s coat of arms on 60,000 new passports carries a hammer instead of a pic axe and Roxana Méndez Minister of Government lays the blame on the Passport Department. 

The correct version


The error is compounded with one of the symbols being upside down in another part of the shield.
Forty thousand of the passports were issued without comment from local citizens,
The minister said her office is still researching at which stage in the production process the errors were made, but a preliminary investigation has found that it was not the fault of the printer, 3M.
 The printer gave the Passport Department a proof of the document, and the error was not detected.
Some commentators associated the introduction of the hammer with the photo op wielding of a hammer knocking down the fences around a piece of landfill at Amador in front of the Figali Center.