Curacao, a new vacation destination for Panama

Curacao, an original member of the Dutch Antilles off the coast of Venezuela, is, like many Caribbean destinations, placing an increasing reliance on tourism to boost its economy, and will  be targeting Panama to expand its market.

DAE, The island’s airline introduced a direct flight to and from Panama City in October and the island’s government is also in negotiations with Copa Airlines to begin service to Curacao by June of next year.
The island with a population of a little over 140,000, will be promoting its history, going back to its discovery by the Spanish in 1499, when most of its indigfenous population was transported to to other Spanish colonies as slaves, and its development as a trading center by the Dutch and as a base by pirates.
Its beaches, diving, marine parks, recreational activities, museums and aquariums, will also be highlighted.
The country has added some 1,700 rooms have been added over the past seven years, and is constructing more
Most of its tourists come from Holland and the country receives 250,000 overnight guests a year and 250,000 cruise ship tourists. {jathumbnail off}