Private sector not backing Panama Carnival tourism chief

Panama’s tourism manager who has gone cap in hand to the government for a 33% increase in funding for the upcoming carnival, lamented on Wednesday, February 23,  the lack of support from the private sector.

Salomon Shamah, who was originally granted $1.5 million of taxpayer money to fund the four day event on the Cinta Costera, and has asked for r $500,000  more, said: “The truth of the matter is that we have not had significant amounts from private enterprise. "

Speaking on Telemetro he said there were some private sponsors, but their their contribution had been with donated "products" and not money. That leaves the State to pay the piper. {jathumbnail off}

So far 70 artists have been hired to performt on stages to be set up on the the coastal strip during the carnival from March 5 through 8, while local residents  have expressed concern over noise, security, parking, and damage to Panama’s waterfront green belt. 

After completion of the festivities this year Shamah will appoint a committee to begin organizing next year's event.