Teachers call nation wide 48 hour strike

Panama’s public school teachers have decided on a 48 hour strike starting July 25. A spokesman said it could be extended.

The decision was made after a six hours union  meeting in  Panama, Saturday, July 9.

In the intervening days, union officials will visit schools across the country to seek the supportof all teachers .They expect the strike to get  100 percent report.

Curriculum changes  is the prime reason for the strike with union leaders  the theme of the basket, school dropouts and school leavers are among the reasons for this movementstill has no date.

According to union leader  Alberto Alvarado, the  changes have caused a 8.7 to 13.5% increase in school leavers and drop outs to  an issue that concerns teachers  and which, according to him, education authorities have not paid attention.

On Wednesday July 13, there will be a general meeting of teachers inChiriqui and Cocle, to address the issues, he said.