Earlier closing of discos violates citizen rights — Mayor

A new law fixing closing times for discos, bars and other drinking spots violates the rights  of citizens who must decide the time they want to have fun, says Panama’s Mayor Bosco Vallarino.

Speaking on RPC Radio on Sunday, the mayor, who has been largely out of the public eye for some months, said he does not believe that applying the restrictions is the path to ending violence in the country.
Vallarino was referring a November 9 order from the Ministry of Security, obligating to bars, taverns, wine cellars, shacks, night clubs, gardens, barbecues and pool halls across the country, to close at 2:00 am on Sunday and 3:00 am Wednesday and Thursday and Friday into Saturday.
He said that people "when they leave these places  they will move to hotels, which are excluded from the new rules. This, will lead people to take liquor in these places or go to the supermarket to buy alcohol for  parties in their homes, which could upset the neighbors."