Nearly one third believe Martinelli government worst since dictatorship

Ricardo Martinelli, has scored one of the lowest popularity ratings of a Panamanian president since the US invasion in 1989.

31.1% of people survey believe  the government is the worst to have ruled since the ending of the military dictatorship.

According to the results of a Dichter & Neira survey for La Estrella.  only  47.9%  of the population have a positive view  of the government of “change”

Another 48.6% disapproved of his work compared to 47.8% who gave the green light. In addition, 48.5% of Panamanians believed that government management is poor, and an equal percentage said they agreed with the work.

The ruling coalition   fragmented after the firing of  Vice President Juan Carlos Varela as foreign minister

Last month the approval rating was at 52%.

The belief that the government is handled with little or no transparency reached 81.2% this month from  the 68 and 70% in previous months, while the percentage of those who believe that freedom of expression,  is disrespected rose from 60.1% to 66.4%

Major government campaign promises remain unresolved according to many with 31.6% of Panamanians listing insecurity as their main concern and 21.5% say it is the cost of living.


The government of  Ernesto Perez Balladares is rated by 29.3% of respondents as the second ‘wort after the fall of the military regime.

The Mireya Moscoso administration (1991-2004) was rated worst by 17.9% and  12.1% said it was that of  Martin Torrijos (2004-2009).