Rain brings green alert across Panama

A green alert has been issued throughout the Panamanian isthmus by the country’s Civil Protection system (Sinaproc) because of record heavy rainfalls.

What happened to the dry season?

Sinaproc Director General Arturo Alvarado, said on Sunday, December 18,  the agency is maintaining a green alert due to heavy rains that have fallen over the past days.According to Alvarado The green alert was ordered because the system will remain "a-typical" because of the La Niña phenomenon  It was not possible  t determine when the rains will cease in the isthmus. "The rain system that we are facing is not typical of the season, so forecasts disclosed to the public will be short term," he said. 

The rains since Friday, December 16, have  damaged several communities in the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Colon and Darien. Rivers have overflowed their banks and livestock has been swept away.

Sinaproc is  maintaining  a 24-hour watch to  monitor the situations  and emergency response personnel will be available in areas vulnerable to flooding. 
On Saturday the Panama Canal Authority opened the Gatun Dam, increasing the level of water level in the artificial lake.