A Green Christmas Greeting

GETTING  Christmas cards from old friends and family is one of the best loved seasonal customs, but sometimes they come from unexpected sources.


This week Newsroom got a card from Racing Green, the team of graduates from Imperial College London who in nine months  built a battery powered racing car, more efficient than a vehicle running on gas,   to demonstrate to the automobile industry and the world that a clean and efficient replacement for oil fueled vehicles is viable.
The car they created on a racing chassis was tested in Europe and shipped to Alaska at the beginning of July 2010. From Anchorage it was driven to Fairfax on the edge of the Arctic circle, to begin its  over 26,000 kilometer “demo run” to the south of Argentina, with a pit stop in Panama in September

The epic  non polluting journey was portrayed in a two part program on BBCV TV.

The team which gained world wide approval continued its program in Europe, and promises a new venture announcement in the New Year. With young dynamic thinkers and doers like these, there is still hope for the world — if they can persuade politicians to stop talking and start acting.