Traffic snarl at Bridge of Americas halts repair work

The same day that repair work on the bridge of the Americas  created massive foreseeable traffic jams, the project has been postponed for a week.

The delay, until  Tuesday, January 10, is to give  Minister of Public Works(MOP) Federico Suarez and  his staff time to figure out how to manage traffic with two lanes of the bridge closed.

This work, which began Tuesday  “caused annoyance” among drivers who wanted to enter the capital city said Suárez.  Assessments will be made to better  understand how to manage traffic in view of the work. "We need transit authorities to provide the support to affect all citizens as little as possible”  he told  Telemetro Reports.

The Minister  said they are taking a week off from  maintenance work on the bridge "to assess the mistakes of today." Work on the Bridge of the Americas will cost $ 80.7 million and is expected to take two or three years, depending on whether you talk with the MOP or the Transit authority.