Martinelli declined to speak at state funeral of three-time president

The body and guard at Cathedral ceremony.

Foreign Minister Roberto Henriquez spoke instead of President Ricardo Martinelli, at the state funeral of  of three time Panama president Arnulfo Arias Madrid on Friday.

Martinelli declined to speak at the service at the Metropolitan Cathedral, following criticism from opposition leaders,  The state funeral and service were part of the act of taking the remains to Penonomé.

A government spokesman said it would send a statement giving an explanation of why Martinelli declined tp speak. He attended the Saturday afternoon service but will not go tp Penonome.

The vice president of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, said the decision not to speak was a personal one of by Martinelli.

 The secretary general of the Democratic Revolutionary Party, Mitchell Does, said it was for safely reasons  and Martinelli advisers advised him not to attend.