Bridge traffic chaos update

Panama’s transit authority (ATTT) is now studying restrictions on heavy vehicles and equipment on the Centennial Bridge They are already totally  banned on The Bridge of the Americas.

ATTT director Jorge Ricardo Fabrega said  the organization is studying the possibility  of restricting access to the Centennial Bridge for heavy vehcles from 5:00 am to 8: 00 am to help to ease traffic congestion.

Follwingtraffic chaos that last Tuesday, January 3, when repair work on the Bridge of the Americas began work was postponed until January 11 while authorities attempted to come to grips with the problem.

Since then the blame has been laid at the feet of drivers using highway shoulders and the Ministry of Publix Works has told drivers to avoid the Americas bridge and use Centennial which was not fully operational for most of last year as repairs were carried out on  flood damaged roads.

 The refurbishing of  the Bridge of the Americas will cost $80.7 million dollars,  and will extended over two years.