Your chance to make beautiful music

By Dra Lourdes Quijada

Do you sing in the shower, while your cruising the highway? Or perhaps you are a sing-along fan listening to a CD or the radio when you are stuck in traffic in Panama city  … and you just have to let it all out.

The "Menagerie"performance

Any or all of the above, plus  some previous musical experience, will qualify you to join Cantus Panamá  as they prepare for their new rehearsal  seasonThe group has been taking a well deserved break and is beginning a new rehearsal schedule to prepare for another fun-filled concert season   The chorus is seeking new members.

You may have seen them last year in a concert  Menagerie of Song, all with animals theme as they raised money for Spay Panama, and it’s program for some of the four legged street people of Panama, as well as those with a permanent home.

They have also been involved in other fund raising events including a well received appearance at the Carols By Candlelight debut in Casco Viejo in December, which attracted a participatory audience of over 2,000. The  200 strong audience was wowed by the Cantus version of the 12 Days of Christmas with a true Panamanian theme

Cantus at Carols vy CandlelightThe  Carols By Candlelight  organizers, The CanadaPLUS Club are planning an even bigger show this year and hope to see Cantus at what will be an all day event.

So here’s your chance to become part of the action. There are are no formal auditions but you are asked to attend two rehearsals which take place  Wednesdays from 7:00 -9 pm  in Quarry Heights,

The first rehearsal will be, February 29 and the concert during the first two weeks of June.

 To attend a rehearsal or to ask for more information.   email address and either director Kristin Saltonstall or Michael Cooling will respond and guide you to helping to make beautiful music.