Security moves for taxi passengers

The placement of an identity  sticker with the the name of the owner and driver of each taxi is being pushed by Panama's Taxi Drivers’ Union.

 It is one of a number of security measures that may be implemented from June 1, following a rash of rapes and assaults of passengers. The spokesman for the Taxi Drivers Union of Panama, Ricardo Miranda, said on Saturday May 12, that the measures will be applied not only in the city, but in all all regions of the country. Miranda also announced that an awareness  campaign will be launched to publicize  precautions to be taken  when planning to enter a vehicle. Miranda said it is unfair to generalize and make drivers solely responsible for the assaults and rapes that have occurred recently in selective transport vehicles. "We want users to feel safe, so we're going to help passengersto identify us immediately when boarding a taxi."  Earlier in the weekthe general manager of the Transit Authority (ATTT) Juan Pablo Mora, mooted the idea of creating uniforms for drivers.