Coalitions rejection of state assets sale not binding Martinelli

In what appears to be another change of direction President, Ricardo Martinelli said on Wednesday, June 27, that decisions of the National Coalition for Development are not binding.

 Martinelli explained that the Coalition is an advisory body that is interested in hearing what they arise on different topics. Hisstatements came after the National Coalition for Development rejected the sale of state in the utilities and Cable & Wireless.

The group took the  decision on Friday June 22, after mass demonstrations against the sale led him to withdraw the bills and close down the special sessions of the National Assembly.

Martinelli had earlier indicated that he would abide by the decision which was made after government representatives, including Finance Minister Frank Lima had spent several hours submitting their arguments forthe sale.

Martinelli offered his remarks during a Wednesday June 27 visit to the Panamanian Association of Business Executives, which has opposed the sale.

the President sent the issue of the sale of shares  in joint ventures to the table of the Coalition to be discussed among members.

Soon after the decision to denounce the sale, government spokespersons and Ministers

Began a coordinated attack on the decision,

Deputy Minister of the Presidency Maria Fabrega said on  Wednesday, that "what comes out of the table are recommendations to the Executive …and it is very clear that they will not accept the recommendations.”

Following the comments made ??by Fabrega, businessman Enrique De Obarrio, who attended Wednesday’s meeting of the National Coalition, said that what was agreed at the table was a "categorical rejection" of the sale of strategic state assets. not only the sale of state shares in joint ventures but the sale of state lands, including the free zone, said the businessman. "Clearly that was a rejection," he said.