CanadaPLUS Club action packed schedule to year’s end

By Dylis Jones
The CanadaPLUS Club has discovered a former professional actor and director, Gerald Roy, among their 250 members. He will be taking over the direction of Murder Mystery Dinner Theater.
The first event with a three course meal , wine and, a "murder", is set for mid September.
The casting sessions for Last Call at Chez Mort will be held in Bella Vista (off Avenida Balboa) on Saturday and Sunday July 7-8 at 2 pm. There are eight speaking roles (two women six men) and four parts for mimers. Previous acting experience is a bonus, but it is also an opportunity to get your feet wet at an enjoyable three night event, with dinner and wine included.
To register and get details of the location call 6619- 6890 or email Make the subject Murder Mystery)
Other upcoming CanadaPLUS Club events you might want to mark on your calendar are Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner with music, entertainment and of course turkey dinner with all the fixings on Saturday October 6, “Welcome Back Snowbirds” a time to greet all those fleeing the Northern winter on Monday November 12 and the Carols By Candlelight Festival and Concert, Sunday December 16. You will be reading a lot more about all of them.
The CanadaPLUS Club is open to all nationalities and already has members from 23 countries. In addition to a discount card it makes group health insurance available at unbeatable rates.