More building permits, more fines for construction industry

 Applications for building permits are on the increase in Panama along with stop work orders as the city cracks down on  building code violators .

In January and February 2012,  The Department of Planning and Permits received 407 applications, 52 more than in the same period last year.

Of the 407 applications received, 121 were approved in January and 99 in February. 
Meanwhile Mayor Roxana Mendez, who replaced non achiever Bosco Vallarino told La Estrella that she suspended 150 constructions that did not meet established standards.

The city has also  dealt  with  about 400 complaints” regarding works that do not meet the rules", she  said.

The mayor also noted that "in the second half of last year there were 15,000 fines following visits from city inspectors, and in the first six months of 2012 imposed fines jumped to 17,500.

