Smoke, mirrors, and unsealed lips

After days of remaining with lips tightly sealed, Panama’ government communications secretary said  that the Government never denied the resignation of former Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu.

According to Camacho, what was said was that the government would decide when they have things to report.

In the program open debate , broadcast by Channel 4 RPC ,Tuesday July 17 Camacho said he learned of the resignation before the information was published in La Estrella, but it had not  been communicated to the president, Ricardo Martinelli.

In fact, on the day tha story appeared Camacho, who was with the president at an out of town ceremony denied knowledge of the resignation and the next day said  there was nothing at that time about which they had to pronounce.

The first official pronouncement came on  the evening of Monday, July 16, namingthe new Minister of the Presidency.Roberto Henriquez, who  had served in the Foreign Affairs portfolio. A couple of hours before, a cabinet minister publicly said that Papadimitriu was still in the cabinet.