Papadimitriu checked into hospital gets Martinelli visit

"Brother and best friend"

Panama’s former Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu,  was admitted to hospital on Wednesday July 18 suffering from stress and depression.

He remained under observation in Paitilla hospital overnight,

Among  visitors who visited the hospital was President RicardoMartinelli, who  said he spoke "everything" with Papadimitriu, who, reportedly, came walking to the hospital emergency room and was admitted with symptoms of stress and depression at approximately 4:00 pm.

The president said that Papadimitriu had a mild relapse and when he came to see him referred to the president  as his "brother and his best friend."

He added that when you're with friends, his wife or children, "one does not measure the time."

Other visitors included, Astrid Salazar, assistant Secretary of State Sommunications, Maria Fabrega, Vice Minister of the Presidency, Luis Eduardo Camacho, Secretary of COmmunications and Dayra Fabrega, Secretary of Presidential Affairs.

Papadimitriu submitted his resignation as minister of the presidency last Thursday, July 12, but it was not until four days later on July 16, the Government confirmed his renunciation. It is not  yet known what  led to the decision Papadimitriu.
