Drivers on South Corridor flock to prepaid cards.

In one week over 20,000 drivers bought prepaid cards for use on Panama’s South Corridor after the number of lanes for cash payments were cut.

Meanwhile   the Northern Corridor is moving to the automatic system and when it is fully implemented in six month’s time, drivers will be able to use their pre-paid card on both routes.
The information was given to La Prensa on Sunday, September 30, by the National Highway Company, Rigoberto Effio, CEO of ENA, said that the change of balance of toll lanes in the South corridor with four lanes for cash and five for cards, was positive and will continue for the next few days so that drivers get accustomed to using prepaid cards.
The objective is to minimize congestion occurring at the Atlapa toll gate, used by more than more than 70,000 vehicles daily.